Comprehensive Food Solution Service Provider


One of the companies under the Farapokht group, Faratosee consulting and engineering company, operates in four departments: basic studies, monitoring and implementation, consulting and supplying equipment, and finally launching. In the following, we will introduce the company and its processes.

Design and execution considering all components and elements

About Faratosee

The Faratosee Group was established with the construction, launch, and operation of the Tus industrial unit. The capabilities of this company include leveraging the executive sample and thinking of the mechanized industrial complex. With the growth and excellence of modern and industrial culinary experiences and knowledge, we have been able to take a step further in the plans of mechanized industrial units. We have defined and designed an organizational structure for a cooking unit, achieved engineering knowledge based on the standardization of cooking processes, and increased hygiene quality while preserving nutritional values and eliminating harmful factors. We aim to be at the forefront in design, construction, operation, training, and implementation.

The process of Faratosee services

1- Basic studies and design



2- Provision of equipment

Setting up


3- Supervision and implementation

Construction and implementation


4- Setting up and operation

Setting up


Clients and executive projects

Direct connection with Faratosee

If you are planning to set up an industrial or semi-industrial kitchen and you do not have enough or appropriate information, contact our experts in Faratosee.

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Organizational cooperation with Farapokht Group

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